Creating a Sub-Navigation Menu in BaseKit Print

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You can create a second-level navigation menu on any of your BaseKit web pages and display them in various ways. You will need to follow a few simple steps before you can place your second-level navigation any where you need it.

  1. Create a new folder to hold your secondary navigation.
  2. Add new pages to the newly created folder as needed.

Add a Sub-Navigation Menu

Once you have created a folder and some pages, you can easily create a sub-navigation widget wherever you like. In the Widgets panel, click the Content menu to expand it.

  1. Drag and drop a Navigation widget to any of the pages where the sub-folder should be accessible.
  2. Double-click on the widget; or single click and then click the gear icon.
  3. In the settings drawer at the bottom of the screen, select the folder you created as the source of the menu items.

You can now create a sub-navigation menu anywhere on your site by repeating these steps.

Customize the Sub-Navigation Menu

There are also plenty of other ways to customize your navigation menus, even making third-level navigation or further if your site requires it. You can also change the way your navigation menus look and behave.

When you double-click on the navigation widget, you will be presented with a settings drawer at the bottom of the page. From this drawer you can customize several features of your navigation menu.

While the Settings tab is specific to this particular navigation menu, the Styles and CSS tabs are global settings that will affect all navigation menus throughout your whole site.
  • Orientation - Allows you to change the orientation of the links in the navigation widget
  • Align - Allows you to change the alignment of your menu items
  • Padding - Allows you to define an area of whitespace around the entire widget
  • Spacing - Allows you to define how much space exists between each menu item
  • Reset - Resets settings to their defaults

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